Aggressive Protection Of Your Rights Against Federal Money Laundering Criminal Charges
The federal government has become more aggressive than ever in seeking convictions against persons accused of money laundering.
If you have been accused of money laundering, the criminal defense attorneys at The Law Offices of Walter A. Reynoso, P.A., can fight for constitutional rights in Miami, Florida, as well as nationally and internationally.
Money laundering charges are often brought together with additional federal charges. This is particularly true for individuals facing business-related charges such as mortgage fraud and business fraud. We can defend you against all of your charges.
At The Law Offices of Walter A. Reynoso, P.A., persons accused of money laundering receive skilled representation in court — the product of over 30 years of trial experience — plus advocacy during negotiations with federal prosecutors and customized personal service from start to finish of the legal process.
Mr. Reynoso has a recognized reputation for positive results in a broad range of white collar cases. He is a client-focused lawyer who knows the challenges and penalties you face — and he fights for your rights, in and out of court.
Whether you are a U.S. citizen and businessperson targeted by the government for possible money laundering, someone accused of being connected to illegal funds obtained through alleged mortgage fraud, or a foreign national with cross-border ties, you could benefit from Walter A. Reynoso’s legal knowledge and litigation skills, starting today.
Contact our law firm today to secure an initial consultation. Call 305-441-8881 right now or send an email message — hablamos su idioma.

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